Thursday 26 March 2009

Neil Mawson's Gritstone work out

Neil Mawson has been keeping himself busy on the Grit this winter.

Tim Glasby has been working very closely with Neil over the last 6 months to help create some beautiful climbing images for a little project in the pipeline.

Either way it seems to be a good excuse for Neil to keep on getting out onto the Gritstone edges and cranking hard.

Not to be Taken Away: Stanage Edge

Cuber Edge: Unknown route

A big thanks to Tim Glasby for allowing us to use these images.

More skiing action from the Alps

There are skiers and then there are people who really dedicate themselves to getting out when ever the skiing is good.

Marcus from Marmot’s German office is certainly one of those people who get out when ever the conditions are good and opportunity allows.

The above image shows Marcus cruising his way down a steep couloir line near Innsbruck in Austria.

Telemark Skiing in the Alps

Yep that is how much snow there still seems to be out in the Alps Right now.

Marmot’s very own Marcus Ehlig has been out in the Alps once again ripping up the white stuff.

Marcus has been spending a lot of time this winter learning how to Telemark ski and from the images here it looks like he has really nailed the art of freeing the heel.

With ski conditions still excellent in the Alps there seems to be no excuse to not getting another quick ski trip in before summer arrives.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Ricky Bell: Freshly Baked

We have some hot news fresh from the oven!

Ricky Bell has just climbed a new hard trad route in Ireland.

Ricky's new route is called 'Freshly Baked' and rates in at E7 6b. The new route required time being spent over the last couple of weeks cleaing the line to ensure the line was clean, dry and ready to climb when conditions were right. This weekend gave excellent conditions and on Saturday Ricky made the first ascent of Freshly Baked at Fairhead in Ireland.

Uncontent with just one days good climbing, bags were packed once more and after an hour’s walk Ricky and co found finally arrived at the East Face of Lower Cove. Ricky had planned to look at a particular line on the crag but the route appeared wet and was not going to allow an ascent. Not put off Ricky then turned his attention to repeating a route his good friend Andy had put up the year before. The route named 'Easy Lover' gave easy climbing to start with but then lend into a very bold run out which only a small cam protected.

Ricky reported the route to an excellent line and confirmed the routes grade to be E7 6c. Good effort Ricky for getting two hard trad routes done in one weekend.

Thanks to Craig Hiller for supplying both images of Ricky on Freshly Baked.

Lucy Creamer ticks impressive list of hard sport routes

Lucy has been recently climbing some seriously impressive sport routes over the last couple of months. Lu decided to base herself in Spain just after the Christmas period in order to give himself plenty of time to get strong and find top climbing form.

This commitment has proved very fruitful and Lu has already ticked off an impressive list of hard sport routes including:

2 x 8b’s – Redpoint
1 x 8a+ - Redpoint
4 x 8a’s – Onsight (putting the clips in on 3 of them)
4 x 8a’s – Redpoint
1 x 7c+/8a – Onsight
5 x 7c+’s – Onsight
5 x 7c – Onsight
5 x 7b+ - Onsight

Lucy's partner Tim Glasby reported that Lu seems to be getting stronger and stronger as each day passes and the confidence from climbing Batuka 8b has sparked her passion to keep pushing harder. .

Lucy is still in Spain working a number of other hard lines which we look forward to reporting very soon.

Thanks to Tim Glasby for the recent image of Lu in action which will also be the front cover shot for next months issue of Climb magazine.

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Just Hanging Out

If you’ve ever wondered what some of our athletes stay in tip top shape whilst still earning a crust then look no further! In Fact look above….

Here we see Ricky Bell just hanging out around his local shopping centre shooting the breeze. On a more serious note Ricky actually makes a living through high rope access work which can include hanging off buildings cleaning windows or carrying out much needed maintenance.

Outside of work Ricky has also recently been working on a new secret project. I can not tell you where the new line is currently but I can confirm it is in Ireland. Wow!

We always get excited seeing Ricky practicing a line because this normally means that it is going to be at least E7 6C.